Fans Unite to Cheer for Games One and Two Against the Colorado Eagles April 26 & 27
will host FREE viewing parties for Round 2 of the Calder Cup Playoffs at the Spotlight Showroom at Spotlight 29 Casino this week. Fans are invited to come together to cheer on the home team in the Battle of the Birds as the Firebirds take on the Colorado Eagles for Game 1 on Wednesday, April 26th, and Game 2 on Thursday, April 27th. Doors open both days at 4:30 p.m. The puck drops for both games at 6:05 p.m.
Viewing parties are open to the public with food & drink specials, a pop-up Firebirds Playoff merchandise shop, photos with Fuego, trivia with prizes hosted by Gino LaMont, and more! Fans will also have the opportunity to enroll in Spotlight 29 Casino’s Playoff Free Play Promotion featuring $10 of Free Play for each round of Firebirds Playoffs. Must be 21 to enroll, additional restrictions apply,
WHAT: FREE Firebirds Playoff Viewing Parties for Games 1 & 2 of Round 2 of the Calder Cup Playoffs
WHO: Coachella Valley Firebirds
WHEN: Wednesday, April 26th and Thursday, April 27th. Doors at 4:30 p.m,. puck drop at 6:05 p.m.
WHERE: The Spotlight Showroom at Spotlight 29 Casino
46-200 Harrison Pl, Coachella, CA 92236